
Registration is now Closed.

We look forward to seeing everyone here!


  • Adult (age 21 and over) per event: $35
  • Junior (age 20 and under) per event: $15

See Who’s Coming

Check out who is registered in which category for each event at the links below:

Recreational Orienteers / Newcomers

Do you prefer to walk the course? Do you orienteer just for fun? Don’t feel you are ready for championship level competition yet? Do you want to try the course with a friend or as a family group?

Registering for Open classes allows you to join in the fun and experience championship level competition and the great Kelowna Nordic terrain, but allows you to select a course matching your preferred speed, length and technical difficulty.

Each course has an Open class available on it and an associated Technical Difficulty rating.  For your first time out, we recommend registering for a course with a Technical Difficulty of no higher than Intermediate (TD3). This includes Courses 1-4 in the Middle and Long events and the Open Start Beginner and Intermediate courses in the Mass Start event.

The table below describes the Open class courses in terms of technical difficulty.

Technical Difficulty RatingDescriptionRecommended for…
Beginner and Novice (TD1 and TD2)Controls located at path junctions and easy to find, no off-trail, catching features, route choice and navigation is simple, mostly hand-railingAbsolute beginners! Inexperienced youth, family groups. Go for TD2 if you want a bit of a longer challenge.
Intermediate (TD3)Some route choice, some running by compass, off trail that avoids dense vegetation, controls mainly on natural/man made hand rails or point features, some on very distinct contour features, obvious attack points and catching features with controls close to handrailsIf you’re fit, have used a map without a GPS before (but maybe not an orienteering map), and want an adventure this is the course for you. We recommend some experience if you register for these courses, but it is possible for some newcomers to complete them. Expect to be at least 1.5 times the winning time if you register for this course.
Veteran, Expert and Elite (TD4 and TD5)Advanced navigation using very subtle features.Experienced orienteers. Not recommended for newcomers.

For information about each course length and recommended winning time, check out the information for each race. Recreational orienteers will likely require significantly longer to complete the course than the recommended winning time!

Open class winners don’t receive prizes or medals, but we do publish and print results and the experience is otherwise identical to championship classes.